19 11, 2019

More Music Q&A with Jim Klein & Ian Jamison

2022-07-26T05:49:16-06:00 2019-11-19, 10:53 am|Music|

Behind the Preludes | Part II More Music Q&A with Jim Klein & Ian Jamison “...I express life experiences through painting abstract art. It's spontaneous, but there's a deep consciousness that connects with people. The music [...]

13 03, 2019

NO PLACE LIKE HOME | Art Q&A with Jim Klein

2022-07-26T05:52:53-06:00 2019-03-13, 12:15 am|Art|

Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong.   ~John Denver “No place like home”, “home is where the [...]