New Colorado Location
Recently Jim Klein added a new space for the J Klein Gallery brand in Windsor, Colorado. We spoke with him to find out more about this exciting new development. Q: Why did you look [...]
Recently Jim Klein added a new space for the J Klein Gallery brand in Windsor, Colorado. We spoke with him to find out more about this exciting new development. Q: Why did you look [...]
“All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow." ~ Grant DeVolson Wood, American painter Bosco Jondy Long-time readers will recall that contemporary [...]
Since 1955, the Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show has set the pace in the Arabian horse world. It was a first class event from the very first day. The show has grown from 50 horses [...]
J Klein Gallery has the honor of announcing that Jim Klein has been selected to be an exhibitor at the 2020 Cherry Creek Arts Festival!* The 2020 Cherry Creek Arts Festival will feature 250 juried [...]
“A painted surface is a real, living form.” ― Kazimir Severinovich Malevich, Russian avant-garde artist and art theorist Did you know there’s more to consider when choosing a canvas to paint than simply the [...]
Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.” ― Chuck Klosterman Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to see what we cannot in [...]
Kiva All dreams spin out from the same web. ~ Hopi Proverb Spontaneity is a fixture in the origin of many a Jim Klein abstract painting. On occasion, this spontaneity endows a painting with [...]
Manhattan As Jim Klein likes to say, he expresses life experiences through painting abstract art. It’s spontaneous with a deep consciousness that connects with people. He believes we condense our experiences and our [...]
“My life has been nothing but a failure.” ~Claude Monet No artist is immune from the art slump. If someone as prolific as Monet had such a moment as to produce the quote above, every [...]
Behind the Preludes | Part II More Music Q&A with Jim Klein & Ian Jamison “...I express life experiences through painting abstract art. It's spontaneous, but there's a deep consciousness that connects with people. The music [...]