21 02, 2017

The Hidden Horse

2022-08-01T04:15:53-06:00 2017-02-21, 11:00 pm|Art|

With the 62nd Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show in town this week, Jim thought it appropriate to run with the equine theme and discuss one of his dynamic abstract paintings, "Horse". "Horse" by Jim [...]

6 02, 2017

Art in the Street

2022-07-26T06:19:57-06:00 2017-02-06, 10:15 pm|Art|

On a bright morning in Scottsdale, Jim set up his easel and paints, a few brushes and a fresh canvas outside the J Klein Gallery in the Art District. It was a perfect day to create [...]

9 01, 2017

A Brief Interview with Jim Klein

2022-07-26T06:20:22-06:00 2017-01-09, 7:30 am|Art|

Receiving glowing acclaim from local and visiting art patrons throughout the 2015-2016 Scottsdale art season, this welcoming yet innovative space, showcases energetic and contemporary artwork. Located in Scottsdale’s historically celebrated Old Town Arts District, one [...]

23 03, 2016

Say It with Flowers: Farm Yard Irises

2022-07-26T06:24:19-06:00 2016-03-23, 5:27 am|Art|

During the Victorian era, floriography – the language of flowers – became a popular way for men and women to express what they couldn’t say out loud.  (Sort of like an early form of texting [...]