Art and music shine a light of meaning on ordinary life, and through them we are able to confront the things that trouble us and to find consolation and peace in their presence.
Roger Scruton, Philosopher
When listening to a piece of music or studying a painting, this can result in a special connection that one can experience with the artist. We may not be able to explain it but we will see or hear something, and intuitively know this person- whomever the composer or the artist of the work may be – experienced it as well. Eight Paintings for Piano explores this connection through music, and art.
Eight Paintings for Piano presents eight pieces of classical music delving into stories and memories, connected through an accompanying series of eight paintings by contemporary artist Jim Klein. Here he shares some of the inspirations behind the artworks featured in this creative project. You can listen to the entire album on the J Klein Gallery Youtube playlist here.

Lucky Seven by Jim Klein
What makes this Lucky Seven?
Jim: The Mayan numeral system was the system to represent numbers and calendar dates in the Maya civilization where each numeral is made up of three symbols: zero (a shell), one (a dot) and five (a bar).
Why the number seven?
Jim: The number seven has significance and influence – both good and bad- in almost every culture and religion around the world. In the Bible, God created the world in six days and used the seventh day to rest. In both Islam and Judaism, there are seven heavens while in Hinduism, there are seven higher worlds and seven underworlds. Within Confucianism, seven represents harmony through yin, yang, and the five elements. In Buddhism, the newborn Buddha took seven steps.
Many cultures have agreed it’s a good omen.
I painted this happy piece after 2020, and I’m sure we all remember how badly we needed some good omens after that year. Lucky 7 was named because it was our seventh composition, following the Six Preludes for Piano. On our seventh composition, Ian and I talked for about five hours, then the last 15 minutes we came up with a bunch of new melodic material on the fly. This wasn’t planned, but the discussion and conversation are the grounds from which the melodies and artistic direction sprout.

Two Little Boys Lost in the Woods by Jim Klein
This seems like a very story-driven title within the Eight Paintings series; what’s the inspiration?
Jim: This one does indeed have a story to tell.
Two little boys were wandering in the woods near their home. They had explored farther than they meant to and became lost in the unfamiliar trees. The boys wander for hours, lost and afraid. As the sun begins to set, noises start to surround them. Snapping branches, rustling in the grass, the very sounds you don’t want to hear when the light is fading in a strange forest. The boys steel themselves, convinced a large wolf or animal was stalking them. The sounds grow closer and closer. So close they’re sure they’re in deep danger until suddenly- their grandparents emerge from the dark trees. Relieved beyond belief, the boys are led home to safety by their family. A happy ending!
We may not be able to explain it but we will see or hear something, and intuitively know this person- whomever the composer or the artist of the work may be – experienced it as well.
This was inspired by a less dramatic real-life event. Two of our sons were with their grandpa taking a hike in the woods along the South Platte River in Colorado. One of the boys was five while the other was only three. They were having a grand time with their grandpa, exploring and spending quality time in nature.
Their grandpa returned to the house, chuckling. When the family inquired why grandpa was chuckling, he stated the two boys followed him throughout the woods when one of them began quietly singing repeatedly an improvised melody “Two Little Boys Lost in the Woods”. Grandpa said after a while he began to question if he was lost in the woods and sang the melody to us. We still share about this story at family gatherings, reliving the memory while laughing and singing to each other. This melody can be heard throughout the composition!

King Edward’s Debacle by Jim Klein
What was the inspiration behind King Edward’s Debacle?
Jim: King Edward’s Debacle was inspired while collaborating on the Eight Paintings album with my colleague, Ian. Ian was reviewing melodies for use, and one stuck out like a sore thumb, like it just didn’t belong. The melody had a feeling of a king unwittingly goofing up his role.
As these things tend to go, this decision brought to mind the abdication of King Edward VIII. I brought up King Edward, feeling that this should be the direction we took with the piece.
Who was King Edward VIII?
Jim: Edward VIII was the King of the United Kingdom and wished to marry Wallis Simpson, an American socialite and divorcee. Due to circumstances surrounding their romance, their relationship was intensely ill-advised. He was then left with three options: give up the idea of marriage to Simpson, marry against his advisors’ wishes and possibly cause a governmental crisis, or abdicate. Faced with these choices, King Edward chose to abdicate the throne and marry Wallis Simpson.
I was inspired and started on what would become King Edward’s Debacle on a raw canvas. After many layers of wash and paint, abstract figures appeared through the brushstrokes. As I continued my work, a crown between the two characters took shape; it might be falling or fading, but that’s open to interpretation.
Was the “right” decision made?
Jim: I think we’ve all been in that situation before: we don’t know what the outcome might be but we have to make a decision.
When the musical piece within Eight Paintings ends, it’s not entirely resolved. It’s like in life; I see many folks walking around with unresolved questions. Maybe it’s not about making a decision, but deciding to not act at all. Some wonder “What if I had done this or that?” What if they chose one way or the other? On and on. It’s futile to dwell on it. That’s life!

Under the Yellow Umbrella by Jim Klein
What was the inspiration behind this piece?
Jim: Our story begins in early 2020 before the pandemic hit the States. As you may know, the J Klein Gallery and Art Factory are located in Scottsdale, Arizona where the weather is often wonderful, sunny, and warm. Such lovely conditions might be great for a day by the pool but can make it difficult to paint for a long time in the heat.
Hoping to fix this situation so I could comfortably spend more time outside, I found a large yellow umbrella and now complete most of my outdoor painting under its ample shade. This umbrella has since become somewhat of a staple on the street and even has its own legend. Whenever we pop open the yellow umbrella, it’s become such a local fixture that folks have learned there will be art on the street.
Some wonder “What if I had done this or that?” What if they chose one way or the other? On and on. It’s futile to dwell on it. That’s life!
What is the “Legend of the Yellow Umbrella”?
Jim: The legend goes that if you step under the umbrella and embrace your loved one, this is an embrace for eternity! You are meant to be and will meet again in the afterlife under its shade.
Listen to the entire Eight Paintings for Piano album on the official JKlein Gallery Youtube channel. You can support the artists by purchasing the album on Amazon Music.